Featured Testimonial
“You can’t fix something if you don’t know what’s broken.” Dell estimates that he has had 30 concussions in his lifetime and, while he is not noticeably struggling with any repercussions at this point in time, he is eager to work to explore remediation for former athletes just like himself.
Howard Dell
Former Olympian, Nationally Ranked Decathlete and Professional Football Player
Straight from our Clients
I had no clue that what was causing my problems was actually a head injury. I had zero memory of this. -TJ
I thought I was going to have to retire. My memory wasn’t what it used to be - this is a game changer. This has given me another 20 years of productivity. -CS
Once I knew what it felt like to have a highly functional brain, I didn’t want to go back to the way I felt before. –JZ
I used to feel paralyzed and anxious all the time. I can’t remember the last time I felt that way. I have a whole new life. -MF